Tuesday, July 9, 2013


"Our Vision"
To be the excellent government institution that helps the life styles of the community in a beneficial way to the society

"Our Mission"
To provide a service in line with the government policies, uplift the lifestyles of the society through a planned, efficient development process consisting of proper co-ordination of resources and participation of the people"

Ibbagamuwa divisional secretary's division situated in Hiriyala electorate in the kurunegala district in north western province is an area of historical and national importance.  This area is 275 km2 in extent and situated at the distance of 14 kms from kurunegala adjesion to Dambulla main road. In the year 1991, Ibbagamuwa divisional secretary's division was split into  two named Ibbagamuwa & Ganewatta the facility of administration.
In the year 1993 under the decentralization of administrative power, Ibbagamuwa was converted into secretariat under which Ganewattawas named a sub office. Again on 18th May 1998, in order to provide more efficient service to the public, Ganewatta was converted to a secretariat.
Ibbagamuwa divisional secretary's division situated towards to the middle of kurunegala district in north western province.
North : Polpithigama D.S.Division
East  : Pallepola D.S.Division in Mathale district & Rideedama D.S.Division in Kurunegala district
South : Mawathagama & Mallawapitiya D.S.Divisions in Kurunegala district
West : Deduru Oya boundary and Ganewatta D.S.Division in Kurunegala district

Located between the decrees of 270 - 260 in East - west and the decrees of 170 - 160 in North - south in the map of the Kurunegala Nalanda in scale of 1 : 63360. It is 4872228 k.m2 s in extent from total land quantity of kurunegala district and takes the 5th place of extensiveness.
Historical Importance of Ibbagamuwa divisional secretary's division
There is information that a kindom called "Badalaththali" had situated assosiating Bathalagoda tank apart from the other four main kindoms in Kurunegala. it records in Mahawansa that the area of Bathalagoda was known as "Mangalapura". The tank had been renovated by queen Kalyanawathie who ruled this area from 1202 AD to 1208 A D.
It is said that this area was ruled by king Dutugamunu. The histry of Sangamuwa ancient Raja Maha Vihara goes back to Dutugamunu era. The first war agreement in South Asia is found at this temple. It records the first cease fire agreement between king Parakramabahu who ruled from 1153 A D to 1186 A D and king Gajabahu who ruled from 1132 A D to 1153 A D.
The "Uthurupawwa" area which has a historical singnificance had been ruled by a reagonal ruler called Bodiguptha during the rule of King Dewanampiyathissa.
There are several temples of historical importance in this area namely Rangirimada Raja Maha Viharaya, Kandulawa Raja Maha Viharaya and Ranagiri Raja Maha Viharaya in Dewagiriya. Other than these temples Sri Vishnu Devalaya of Kirindigalla and Sri Vishnu Devalaya of Kandulawa attach historical importance to the area. It is the popular belief of the people of this area that this place in endowed with the blessings of God Galebandara.